Tuesday, October 16, 2012

just life

 So life just keeps going huh? I can't believe it's the middle of October. Time is getting away from me and so is this blog! 

This is going to be a picture overload post. If I was super organized I would separate these into multiple posts according to each activity but I definitely am not super organized so this is what we get. 

We've been loving the fall here. It is not quite the same as back home. We miss "our" mountains but Colorado definitely has it's own beauty in the fall and we've been trying to soak it up. We try to maximize the time that we have to spend with Colin now because it is so limited. This is just a little bit of what we've been up to. I wish I took more pictures! I am incredibly forgetful and that usually results in not bringing my camera.  Some of these are pictures from Utah. Cooper and I were able to go home a visit for a whole week. Yes, we've only been here two months but I had the opportunity to go home and I jumped on it. It was so fun just to be around family and people I know. So without further ado...

 Colin and Cooper deep in conversation 

 Cooper deep in thought in the car

 Cooper and Colin taking a dip in the cold water 

 I think these pictures were taken in Breckenridge. So beautiful. 

 Cooper and Anna. These two crack me up. Someday he is going to realize that she is his cousin and it's weird to love her as much as he does. But not yet. 

Shh don't tell him the front wheel is missing
Umm.. I love that face. 

I Love these boys. The end. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Shout out from Denver! We're here.We've actually been here two and half weeks but things have been crazy trying to get settled in. Out decision to move here happened really quickly and everything had to happen fast. Colin was still wait listed at two other schools he really wanted to go to so we put off making any solid plans until the last minute. And then all the sudden we were packing up a u-haul and taking off. We were lucky to quickly find an apartment. It is not the most awesome place in the world, as we have learned. We seem to have some party neighbors that live below us that love them some loud music. Also, being on the third floor my legs are burning from carrying Cooper up and down so many times. But it is in a really nice neighborhood and we are happy here.

Colin is in getting into the swing of school. He was so ready to start and has jumped right in and is doing awesome. He says it's a little different from the atmosphere at BYU, (um.. a lot) but he is loving it and was even made some friends.

We've also some time to get to know the city a little bit. We've tried lots of fun things like the zoo, downtown, the flea market, the malls. the parks. I already love lots of things about this city. 

Me and Coop now hold down the fort here at home while Colin is at school. This change has been a little hard on the little man. I think it may have jumped started the terrible two's. We've had one too many freak outs at ikea or target for my liking. And not everyone is understanding when your child wants to throw himself onto the floor in the middle of the isle screaming, which is totally normal right? I've gotten some nasty looks from people. Oh well. We are working through this change. We are excited to be here and we are really liking it so far although I do miss home a little bit, and knowing people  in the city you live in and little things like that.But Colin and I both feel like this is where the Lord wanted us to be and we are determined to make this a great experience.

Here's a few pics for your viewing pleasure
1. Coop at the zoo
2  A little bit of our apartment (the decorating is a work in progress)
3. The kitchen
4. Cooper before his hair cut
5. After the haircut
6. After the haircut making a ridiculously excited face for his mac and cheese
(most of the pics are in his highchair because the happens to be the only place he will hold still) 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Lake Powell and other happenings

I am so behind in my blogging so this is going to be a catch up post. We went to Lake Powell with my family a couple of weeks ago. It was so fun. Lots and lots of little kids running around a not so big house boat. Luckily we found an awesome beach and lounged there the whole time. Cooper had lots of fun with his cousins and actually liked wearing his life jacket thank goodness. The other day he found it in the closet and brought it to me to put it on. He wore it around the house for an hour before I took it off. Weirdo.

Here are a few other pictures I thought were cute of Cooper. He thinks he is doing something really important on the computer. He does this all the time lately so I have to leave the computer locked now.  He pretends like he is typing. I guess he picks up on a lot of what we do.
We went camping with some of our friends a few nights ago. I'm not really sure if Cooper had fun. He was kind of grouchy. We had fun though. Thanks Scott and Whit. And then my camera died so this is the only picture from that camping trip.


 So that's a little bit of what we've been up to this summer. We are just trying to get in all the fun we can before Colin starts law school. Currently Colin is on a plane headed to the Philippines to visit his parents. Me and Coop wish we could go too but it was just a little too hard to make it happen with the little man. I'm glad he gets to go though, although I am going to be very lonely the next two weeks. (sigh) When he gets back we have exactly one week before he has to be at orientation for school. Right now our plan is to move to Denver although we have no idea where we are going to live and I have not packed up a single thing. We have been holding out hope for BYU to accept him off the waitlist but we haven't heard anything, so we have to start making plans to move. It is a little scary having no idea where we are going to live but I am surprisingly not stressed about it. If Colin has to move there first and find a place for us to live then so be it. It will work out one way or another.

P.S Go Team Jef with 1 f! Now if they would just get married and move to Pleasant Grove so I could run into them.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I am so behind in my blog posting. We have been so busy with lots of different things. And sometimes we are busy just living life and I would rather sit with Cooper and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the morning then blog. And I'm okay with that.
So what we've been up to in pictures


Hope you are having a good summer so far because we are!

Friday, May 11, 2012


I know graduation was a few weeks ago but I'm trying to catch up. It was so cool to see Colin walk out in his gap and gown. When I first saw him I almost got choked up for a second. I just know all the hard work that led up to that moment. I am so proud of Colin and the dedication he put into school. When we got married it felt like this day was so far away and now it's come and gone. Colin is one of the smartest people I know. Seriously he is so smart and now he's got a degree to prove it. Next step law school. Oh yeah baby.

I also want to give a shout of to my dad for containing Cooper and following him around the halls so I could pay attention. That little poop stayed quiet and still for about 3 seconds before letting everyone know he was not having fun.

Congratulations Colin!

Now I got to go pack. I'm off to run the Red Rock relay with some of my family in Moab. Why I am doing this I have no idea. I hope I don't die. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

the waiting game

My amazingly smart husband is going to be graduating on Friday. I am so very proud of him. However this is not the end of school for him.

Back in December he applied to about a dozen law schools and we have been anxiously awaiting the mail ever since in hopes of getting responses back to find out where we will be come fall. The one we have been most anxious to hear from is BYU. If he gets into BYU then we will stay here and won't have to move, have amazingly cheap tuition, be close to family, etc.

We were supposed to hear by April 1st but the day passed and nothing. Everyday I would run out to mailbox and be so mad when there was nothing there.

A girl needs to plan if she is going to be uprooting her family and moving to a different state in a few months you know!?

So yesterday Colin got an email from BYU (go figure? We've been looking in the mail everyday and they send us a stupid email.) And...... he has been waitlisted. While this is good news that he wasn't rejected I can't help but be disappointed. More Waiting!

We have some great options though. Our first choice right now, from schools he has been accepted to, is probably University of Denver. We are also thinking of Gonzaga University which is in Spokane, WA. There are a few other schools that he has been wait listed at as well that we would like to go to including schools in Virgina and Arizona. So we could be anywhere come fall.

Here is the thing with the wait list. It is possible you could be waiting all summer and they could accept you like the day before class starts. What the heck? How lame is that?

I'm not getting my hopes up for BYU. We are just acting like we are going to be moving and if he gets into BYU great, and if not that's great too. I really don't even care at this point I just want to know! (well, I do care but you get the point).

We really are so lucky that Colin has gotten into some great schools and even got some great scholarship offers so I'm not complaining. I just want to know where I'm going to be living for the next 3 years. Is that too much to ask?!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


This boy has hit some major milestones the last week.

First of all he is officially walking. I thought it was going to happen any day for the last two months but this little guy takes his sweet time and that's okay with me.
Now he wants to walk when we go places (like the mall or the grocery store) which is very hard because if I don't let him he gets really mad.

The second milestone is related to that. He had his first tantrum/major meltdown at a public place. We were at Sears trying to buy a new dishwasher and he screamed until I let him out of stroller and let him push it. If I tried to touch the stroller he screamed. He was running (seriously running) around Sears pushing this stroller and running into all the appliances. If I tried to direct him he screamed. So I finally picked him up and made him let go of the stroller. You would have thought I was trying kill him. He screamed bloody murder and was flailing his body trying to jump out of my arms. Everyone was staring at me and the poor guys trying to help us with the dishwasher looked uncomfortable. Cooper did not let up. Oh no, he was mad and he was going to let everyone in Sears know. I tried to act like nothing was happening and go on buying the dishwasher. I finally went and waited outside with him while he continued to act like the world was ending. This kid is dramatic. I have no idea where he gets it. Colin seems to have an idea but I don't agree. I think we are in for it with this one.